Anti Aging & Regenerative Medicine
your resource center for wellness and healthy aging treatments
Revolutionary treatment using stem cells to treat or prevent diseases or various conditions
Providing hormonal balance with chemically identical hormones that is produced by the body
A patient centered treatment, focusing on holistically treating the source of ailment rather than the symptoms
Health Screening
Highly advanced screening methods that tests for diseases before it occurs
10 pages of clear, concise information, written without medical jargons for everyone to understand. Discover topics such as:
- What are stem cells, where they are from and how do they heal?
- What diseases that can be treated with stem cells?
- Can stem cells cause cancer? how is it deployed and many more!
To be a top resource centre in the field of anti-aging and regenerative medicine in Malaysia, providing a knowledge base for prospective treatment seekers.
What's Anti Aging & Regenerative Medicine?
Nobody can run away from aging. Many of us hope to extend our lifespan and age healthily by maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. The aging process affects every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. Anti aging and regenerative medicine is a medical field which explores various methods and procedures to extend lifespan and prolong the quality of life as we age.
The American Soceity of Anti Aging (A4M) defines anti aging medicine as "The specialty founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases". A4M further believes that an "anti-aging transformation" can be produced by a combination of interventions, which include hormones, antioxidants, lifestyle modifications and exercise.
Regenerative medicine is another key component in the anti aging arsenal. Regenerative medicine aims to replace tissue or organs that have been damaged by disease, trauma, or congenital issues. In the area of anti aging, the main tools used are tissue engineering and cellular therapies.
What Others Say About Us?
Dr. Lai Chin Lai
"I'm pleased with the consultation and service provided, coming from a medical background myself, It's essential to provide precise advise."
Melvin Tong
"It was relaxing and considerably quick. Doctors were professional and kept me calm and comfortable during the entire procedure."
Jason Tan
"Excellent service from beginning to post treatment, doctors were knowledgable and provide detailed explanation of the treatments"